EPA constructs ECOLOGICAL buildings with passive house logic. It maintains its energy mainly from sun and wind for heating, cooling and lighting.
    According to new law %10 of the construction cost must be used for renewable energy. This rate is higher in european countries.
    A 200m2 of EPA building’s 1 hour heat energy value is 12.000kcal/h which equals to a small room heating value.
    It is possible to heat up the house with normal heating materials economically.
    Ecologic and passive buildings save 4 to 8 times more then the other heating and cooling systems. In a 225m2 house for 2 hot water solar panel; 10 photo volcanic solar panel electric heating and cooling unit is enough. Technology in this area is advancing rapidly and it is lawfully applied. EPA follows the latest technology and researches it then applies them to its Works with the most economical and useful way.